
Abstract Encaustic

With the weather cooling off it's a perfect time to play with my wax


Thank you dear friends for your prayers, kind words, and support during this trying time. They are much appreciated. We are all trying to deal with these powerful emotions. But God is good, and Summer will never hurt again. She is with our Lord.


My heart is broken

On June 18th my granddaughter Summer took her life. She was 14.


Dear Friends,
Tomorrow I will be driving my friend to San Francisco for eye surgery. Please pray for us. Pray for a safe journey and pray for complete success for Chris's eyes. The  surgery is for glacoma. Her pressures are up very high. Chris is freaking out. So pray for her to be calm and to know and feel she is in Gods hands.
Thank you so much. Peace to all.



Maybe I posted this once before, its an encaustic I did last summer for a local art show. Sometimes things just come together, as did this piece.  It was a no effort, everthing just went the way I wanted it to. But that doesn't happen too often, most things are trial and error, a struggle sometimes, frustrating, uneventful, in my life any way. So when something comes together with ease and fluidity I get very happy. This art made me happy. (I can't seem to make a new paragraph, a glich in the system) Any way tomorrow I'm driving my friend to San Francisco for an appt. with her eye doctor. She will most likely have to have eye surgery in the near future for glacoma. But things just came together for this trip, thanks to the Lions Club, and friends and family. I'm very grateful and happy to be of help. I'm happy.  Have a good week end all.   beth

Garden angel

Garden angel